
The District of Sicamous was looking to redefine themselves as more fresh and fun than their previous brand, ‘The houseboat capital of Canada’. They were looking to not only continue to encourage the summer tourism that sustains their economy, but also draw in more people who wanted to live and invest in a place quieter than the city, but also not stagnant and uninteresting like some smaller towns are.
Sicamous is a beautiful part of the Shuswap, a place to get lost in activity. Our agency strove to showcase the town as a fun, exciting place to be, without losing the feel of being able to relax and move at a personal pace. Sicamous has a wide variety of invigorating activities to partake in all year round, as well as a beautiful environment that provides endless adventures for all sorts of people. We redefined Sicamous as a way of life, rather than simply a place to live. Where the energy of nature sparks the energy of the people, no matter where you sit on the energy dial. Where birdwatching recharges some, wakeboarding refuels others. All ultimately are inspired, rejuvenated and enthused.
My involvement in the Sicamous rebrand included creating the initial visual direction that the brand would be based upon; the fun and exciting, but also relaxed look and feel of the campaign. I was also involved with the design and production of numerous pieces of collateral, including stationery, newsletter templates, promotional postcards and banners, billboards that now sit at either end of the town, as well as the permanent signage that welcomes you to the town.